Alolan Vulipx Amigurmi Pattern

Do you just want to chill out for a bit? I have the perfect buddy for you: ice-cold Alolan Vulpix just wants to chill out, cuddle, and not do anything to mess up her perfect hur.

If you prefer to work by paper – you can purchase a pdf copy of this pattern here.

pokemon amigurumi Alolan Vulpix

  • Yarn: white, light blue (medium)
  • 3.5 mm crochet hook – fiber-fill stuffing
  • Felt black, dark blue, light blue, and white, and or/glue, felting needle
  • Scissors, yarn needle for assembly



R(#): Round number

MR: magic ring

Sc: single crochetpokemon amigurumi Vulpix

Inc: increase (2 sc in same stitch)

Dec: decrease (decrease 2 sc into one)

I recommend using Invisible Decrease

Hdc: half double crochet

f/o: fasten off

Additional Skills: Puff stitch, making a Curlicue / Corkscrew / spiral.

Youtube Video on : How to Crochet a Puff Stitch 
Youtube Video on : How to Crochet a Curlicue
You can also check out my Learn to Crochet page for videos on the other types of stitches.
Using white:

R1. 6 sc in MR (6)

R2. Inc around (12)

R3. Sc 1, inc around (18)

R4-R5. Sc around  (18) 2 x

R6. Sc 2, inc around (24)

R7. Sc 3, inc around (30)

R8. Sc 4, inc around (36)

R9. SC 5, inc around (42)

R10-R13. Sc around (42) 4x

R14. Sc 5, dec around (36)

R15. Sc 4, dec around (30)

R16. Sc 3, dec around (24)

R17. Sc 2, dec around (18)

R18. Sc 1, dec around (12)

R19. Dec around (6) f/o
pokemon amigurumi Alolan Vulpix 
Using White:

R1. 6 sc in MR (6)

R2. Inc around (12)

R3. Sc 1, inc around (18)

R4. Sc 2, inc around (24)

R5. Sc 3, inc around (30)

R6. Sc 4, inc around (36)

R7. Sc 5, inc around (42)

R8-R17. Sc around (42) 10 times

R18. Sc 5, dec around (36)

R19. Sc 4, dec around (30)

R20. Sc 3, dec around (24)

R21. Sc 2, dec around (18) f/o- leave end open to attach head.



Make 6 pieces. Using white:

R1. 6 sc in MR (6)

R2. Inc around (12)

R3-R28. Sc around (12) 25 times . f/o Stuff lightly and roll the closed end of each tail inwards – sewing in place.


Make 4. Beginning with light blue yarn:

R1. 6 sc in MR (6)

R2. Inc around (12)

R3. Puff stitch (with 6 on hook before pulling through) and sl to next stitch, repeat a total 3 times after the last puff stitch do a  sc into next sc instead of a sl st.

Sc in remaining 7 stitches (15 including the start and finish of the puffs)

R4. Sc 1, dec 3x across the puffs,  sc  8 (12)

R5-R9. Sc around (12)

R10. Sc 10, switch to white yarn, sc 2 (12)

R11-17. Sc around (12) f/o

Using white:

R1. 6 sc in MR (6)

R2. Inc around (12)

R3. Sc 1, inc around (18)

R4. Sc 2, inc around (24)

R5-R6. Sc around (24) 2 x f/o


Make 4 with white yarn and 2 with blue yarn.

Make a ‘curly cue’ :
Chain 10, working back along the chain (in second ch from hook) sl st, sc 4, inc, sc in remaining 4.

Repeat for other bangs – note: you can add the inc step  in random places along the chain to make it more curly if desired.


Make 5 pieces using white.

Make a large ‘curly cue’ :
Chain 27, working back along the chain (in fourth ch from hook) hdc 4, hdc inc (2 hdc in one sc). Repeat until end of the chain.

Note: You can add the inc step  in random places along the chain to make it more curly if desired.


Assembly of Crochet Vulpix

Attach ears to head and then the hair and bangs- arranging as desired. Attach the legs and arms to the body, and the head to the body. Attach the tails to the body – note if placed too high on the body the tails will add too much weight and cause Vulpix to fall over backwards. Be sure to arrange the tail near the bottom of the body/ in such a way that Vulpix remains balanced. Brush the tail lightly with a bristle or metal brush to make it more fluffy.

Eyes and nose- these features were added by needle felting on leftover yarn ends directly onto the face. Alternatively one could use colored felt pieces.

I hope you enjoy your Alolan Vulpix!

Alolan Vulipx Amigurumi

Thank you for trying this free crochet pattern – I hope you enjoy your Amigurumi Alolan Vulpix!


Click here to purchase a downloadable version of this pattern!

This pattern by StringsAway is for personal use only. Please do not sell or redistribute the pattern as your own.

2 Responses

  1. Atelier de Lunina
    | Reply

    Thank you so much for your pattern

    My version :

    • Lisa
      | Reply

      You’re so welcome! Wow all finished! It’s a lot of pieces isn’t it? Great work! By the way, cute cat too!

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